Top 10 Benefits of Hypno-birthing with Me
Top 10 benefits of an Assertive Birth Hypnobirthing Course

A breech caesarean birth and how hypnobirthing helped make it an amazing experience
A breech caesarean birth and how hypnobirthing helped make it an amazing experience

My birth story: a positive home birth and why you should always ask why!
My birth story: a positive homebirth and why you should ask why!

My Birth Story: a typical cascade of intervention
My Birth Story: a classic cascade of intervention - why being chill and winging it isn’t always the best plan of action.

It takes a village: the importance of a support network
It takes a village! What does your support network look like? And why is this so important for pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

My Birth Story: a positive BBA
My birth story - a positive BBA, what it taught me and why you should prepare for the unexpected.