A Wee Chat
The ‘Wee Chat’ sessions are for up to 90 minutes and take place online where we can cover any topic you want pregnancy, birth, postpartum, motherhood.
At booking, I’ll ask you to complete a form with some information on where you’re at, how you’re feeling about your upcoming birth and any specific areas you want to focus on in our session - this will allow me to prepare and come to the session with any information, research etc that will be relevant for our chat. It’s really important for me to know who you are, where you’re at and anything that’s important to you including any specific cultural or lifestyle priorities.
Following the session I’ll send over any relevant info, research, links, actions etc.
Some examples of how these sessions have been used in the past:
Making a birth plan (most popular)
A 121 pregnancy relaxation session
Planning a VBAC but want to talk over the caesarean process
Gestational Diabetes diagnosis
Post Dates
Small baby
Big baby
Low Papp-A
Low Lying Placenta
Considering Home Birth/Birth Place
Postpartum Planning